Language adventures – part 3

If you are feeling adventurous, consider travelling off the beaten path on your next visit to Europe. English speakers may be harder to come by in these less well-trodden places and you will really benefit from language lessons in advance of your trip to help you navigate your way around. At The Modern Language School […]

Language adventures – part 2

If you are feeling adventurous, consider travelling off the beaten path on your next visit to Europe. English speakers may be harder to come by in these less well-trodden places and you will really benefit from language lessons in advance of your trip to help you navigate your way around. At The Modern Language School […]

Language adventures – part 1

If you are feeling adventurous, consider travelling off the beaten path on your next visit to Europe. English speakers may be harder to come by in these less well-trodden places and you will really benefit from language lessons in advance of your trip to help you navigate your way around. At The Modern Language School […]

Perfect tense with être

Bonjour, Last week the lovely people in my Wednesday evening class were practising the perfect tense and invented 2 great stories. Well done to them! I think people out there will enjoy reading the stories and even use them as a teaching and learning tool; so here they are: Une rencontre (written by Tracy Langstaff, […]

Free French games

Several French students met during the holiday, at the Modern Language School on Tuesday the 31st of May. We all spoke a lot of French and, I believe, enjoyed ourselves. The advanced plus group played the same game for the whole session. I didn’t understand it but they were too engrossed every time I asked […]

Free French games morning

The Modern Language School invites you to sign up for a morning of fun, relaxation and language practice with our French Games Morning. The event is absolutely free and will take place on Tuesday the 31st of May 2016 at Meltham Mills, near Huddersfield, from 10 am till 12 noon. A huge selection of games […]

Cimetieres pour animaux de compagnie à Paris

Je viens de voir, sur le site Pariszigzag,, un  petit article intéressant pour ceux d’entre vous qui adorent leurs animaux familiers. Le voici: DES CIMETIÈRES ANIMALIERS… Mais saviez-vous que les animaux de compagnie ont eux aussi le droit à un enterrement dans les règles de l’art ? Même si le concept peut paraître plutôt […]

French Advanced Plus course

This Thursday morning, in the French Advanced Plus course, some of the activities were to listen to a dialogue about the quality of TV programme, answer comprehension question and discuss in groups the subject of the dialogue. Here are some of the wonderful students, reading out the dialogue .             […]

Un magazine pour apprendre le français

Bonjour à tous. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais vous présenter un magazine pour apprendre le français qui est plein de couleurs, professionnel et complet: LCFF est un mensuel d’une cinquantaine de pages dont le contenu est adapté aux personnes qui aiment lire et écouter le français. C’est un magazine pour les “francophiles francophones”, c’est-à-dire pour ceux qui ont […]

French for beginners in Huddersfield

Our new French course for adults starts on Thursday 21st of January for a first term of 9 weeks at the Modern Language School in Meltham Mills, near Huddersfield. See our site, for info or to enrol.